Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thursday

It is 11:27 pm, and I am falling asleep at the computer.

Our morning was full of baking and cooking and bustling around to move out the door to my in-laws, and the day there was a fun, family day, complete with delicious food and sisters-in-law in town to visit.

Zach's grandma died this week, and although she lived a full 94 years of life, death is always a surprising and sad thing.  So we are packing up and headed to Minnesota in the morning for the services.  Upon returning Saturday night, we are unpacking and repacking for a quick trip to Nebraska, tagging along with Zach on a work trip.  Needless to say, it is a bit of a whirlwind in our home (and in my mind), so I will keep this brief.

Even though we do Thankful Thursday every week, I'd love to give thanks for things I've thought on while looking back over the last year.

Today I am thankful for...

1. My hubby and my four children are such a part of the fabric of my being.  I cannot imagine life without any of them.  Our family is such a sacred gift to me.  I treasure my children and my marriage and this little life we are creating together.  Seriously am living out my childhood dreams.

2. My extended thankful to have family around, and my family is so awesome at loving unconditionally.  Love them so much.

3. My in-laws...I have amazing in-laws.  They support us well; they adore my children...SO blessed.

4. Our church...We have never felt so at home in a church before.  We just love the community there so so much and are so thankful for our "church family" and our small group in a deep way.

5. Financial provision...This year has brought many surprise gifts...a generous gift of money to support our homeschooling year, free diapers, hand-me-down clothes, free meals, etc.  I am always in awe of the ways in which our God takes care of us.

6. Good Books...the last year has brought many applicable and powerful books across my path.  I am also so thankful for my book study best friends.  It is wonderful to walk through the mommyhood journey with others.

7. A New CAMERA!

8. Homeschooling.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to be home with my kiddos, and I am thrilled that my boys are learning and thriving tremendously.

9. Silly little hot tea, flowers, Starbucks, pasta, a clean kitchen, snuggles, a new show, a good novel, a baby smile, worship music, the pitter patter of toddler feet, etc.

10. And lastly, I am so thankful that God is ALIVE and has come to bring us JOY and PEACE and LIFE everlasting.  So thankful that I am being transformed and refined, and, of course, I am grateful that I am an imperfect work in progress.

What are you thankful for today?

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