So here's the truth...I am not very good at this blogging thing. I love to write. I love to capture moments I have with my sweet children. I love to post pictures to file away for later. And I hope to be an encouragement here and there.
BUT I have way more thoughts than I have time to type them out. I have maxed out on my picture limit with blogger and can't for the life of me figure out a way around this...therefore, no pictures on my blog lately. I am not a super tech-savvy person, and I do not have a lot of extra time on my hands. SO please bear with me. Being the Christmas season (which also means going out of town for us), and being that I am home with my four children, and homeschooling, I am not feeling the ease of extra time. I am too busy living my life to write about it. So I think I shall take a blogging break while I am busy spending Christmas with my family.
For today, I am thankful for a new haircut, matching winter hats for the kids., snowflakes drifting down from the sky, and freshly-popped popcorn.
I am thankful for the questions of my six-year old..."Mom, when you die, do you go to Heaven right away or do you wait until the world ends and then go all at once?"...which remind me how active and brilliant his mind really is. I love when he gives me glimpses into the way he thinks.
I am thankful for a peaceful December. This month can often get crazy for us, but this year, we were intentional about what we could say yes and no to and have really and truly enjoyed the Christmas season without stress. We have been able to enjoy the season with some of our traditions and favorites, like baking cookies, cutting down our Christmas tree, doing our daily advent devotions, making a paper chain, visiting Santa, looking at lights, wrapping presents, etc., but it has all been a fun, celebratory process...marking the JOY of the season and the JOY of Jesus coming to earth with special moments and observations. I am so very thankful for the sweetness of this month and for the way in which we have been able to enjoy it all.
I am mostly thankful, this Christmas season, that God sent his son, Jesus, to earth to live and die for our sins and to offer us the joy and peace that come from life knowing him. True peace and contentment are only from life with our Father and what better time to celebrate than now that Jesus is Lord!
Wishing you a very, Merry Christmas!!!
"See" you in 2013!
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