Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday...In Pictures

These are my blessings from today, in pictures...

How my children adore their daddy...

Painting valentines with the children (and, yes, it was as crazy as it looks!)...

Valentines drying on the counter...

Snuggly reading with the boys today for Social Studies...

Our family valentines on the wall...

Cookies fresh from the oven for an afternoon treat with the boys...

A cup of tea...

A candle glowing...

Sophia, after two days of misery, playing and smiling...


Playing with Daddy when he got home from work...

Homemade soup for dinner...

This girl...

My silly husband making us laugh at dinner (the kind of laugh that hurts!)...

My boys...

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Love, love, love this! Love the valentine's wall! Love a gratitude list in pictures! Love the playing in the snow! And yum, do post more info on the soup! Thanks for sharing!
