Thursday, June 28, 2012


I am thrilled beyond thrilled that my daughters each have a sister.

Sisters are a unique gift in life, a sacred, safe relationship where someone knows all of you and loves you still.

Ella and Sophia, I pray for you the kind of sisterly bond that is deep and strong and unmatched.

I pray that you will love each other and learn from each other, spurring one another on towards the Lord.

I pray that your friendship would be the deepest, safest that you will find, and I pray that you will grow more closely as the years go by.

I pray for lots of laughter and giggles, for hours of playing dolls and house together, for late-night talks about boys, for shared cups of tea, for swapping clothes and recipes, for standing up in each other's weddings, and for being at each other's births.  I pray that you will each be there for the other when you are needed, and I pray that you will be able to laugh and cry and celebrate and mourn together.

I pray for a lifetime of sweet memories together, and I pray deep, rich blessings over your relationship always.

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