(I have been thinking lately about wanting so badly to capture the stages my kids are all in. This season is so sweet, so precious, so new and cute and funny each day, and I am so so scared I am going to forget it! So here is my attempt to capture a bit of our lives right now. I plan to do a little "journal-ish" letter for each of my children as their birthdays or half birthdays all approach in the next couple of weeks. Sophia is FIRST!)
Dear Sophia Elaine,
Today you are 18 months old. I can hardly believe it. You are moving (much to my chagrin!) from baby to toddler, and you are growing and changing SO quickly. Sophia, you have captured each of our hearts in the HUGEST way. Daddy's most endearing nickname for you is "Cuteness-that-no-one-can-fathom." No joke. He talks daily about your cuteness and how we can't get over it. You are, seriously, the cutest child EVER. I can't stop kissing you. I just can't! You still love for me to hold you, and it is so familiar, almost innate, to just kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your soft, blond hair, as I carry you around. You are still nursing a couple times a day, and the awkward-but-cute "Nuhse!!!!" gets me every time. I still treasure the sweet cuddle time with you.
Your siblings adore you in the HUGEST way. Whenever you go to nap, you have to say ni-night to everyone in the house, and your big brothers and sister come running to give you a hug and a kiss (twice a day, for each nap!). And when you wake up, they beg to go and see you and get you up! They love to read books to you, to carry you around, to hold your hand and guide you places, and hold you on their laps. I loooove watching you with your siblings. Such a mutual adoration that really can't be described in words. The biggest gift.
Sophia, you are talking SO very much, and we marvel every day at how much you are communicating with us. You are saying too many words to record, but our favorites are "Ella, cereal, please, swing, cookie, snack, milk, why, paci, and brothers." We have little conversations with you that kill me everytime...
Sophia: Mommy?? Nuhse?
Me: Not right now, Sophia.
Sophia: Paci??
Me: No, Sophia.
Sophia: Why??
Me: We're going to eat soon, Sophia.
Sophia: Oh.
You have found your way to communicate to us exactly what you want, sometimes with screaming words of intensity. (Although, Praise be to God, you are finally screaming less! Woohoo!) You seem to have a strong, intense personality developing. I like to say that you are a mover and a shaker! You are going to make things happen in your life, Girl, and I can't wait to watch! You are busy, busy, busy, moving and climbing and getting into things. You like to pull laundry off the bed when I am folding, take dishes out of the dishwasher when I am loading it, and dump out bins that you can find. You climb onto the tables and chairs around, and you love to climb up the ladder for the bunkbed. You like to be on the go, and you LOVE to be outside. You love to play with your babies (which is seriously too cute for words) and you love to push the doll stroller around the house. You get so excited for food that you shake your arms up and down and start to dance in your booster when you know it's coming. your favorite foods are bananas, kiwi, strawberries, Cheerios, vegan cheese, noodles, chicken, broccoli, and anything Mexican. You LOVE beans and rice and salsa and guacamole.
You ADORE Daddy and are thrilled when he walks through the door. You make a beeline for the door the second you hear his voice and demand him to hold you immediately. ("Upie!!!") You and Daddy are precious together. You adore him, and he adores you.
Sophia, you have brought such JOY and life to our family. You make us smile and laugh daily, and we love, love, love the sweet spirit you bring to our home. You are precious and wonderful, and we love you more than words can express.
Happy 18 months, Sweet Girl!!!!!
Your Biggest Fan,
Some of my favorite, most recent pics of our Soph...
"But the wisdom (Sophia) from above is first pure, than peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere." James 3:17
Love you, Sophia Elaine!
ReplyDeleteShe loves you, too!