"I give happy thanks for the daily mess with a smile a mile wide, because this is again my chance to wholeheartedly serve God....I can count each task a gift. This work - the thousand endless jobs - they each give the opportunity for one to become the gift, a thousand times over." -Ann Voskamp
I have been thinking on this quote the last few days as I go about my chores. The chores are, indeed, never ending, and I loved this reminder that each task is a gift. I get to be a gift to my family. I get to serve and love as I go throughout my day.
Today, as I washed dishes and went grocery shopping and scrubbed potatoes and made muffins, I really tried to name those as gifts, to give thanks for those everyday, non-glamorous moments, and to choose joy in the process.
May I remember, when the tasks are overwhelming, the truth of these words and the privilege of my role in our family.
"...because this is again my chance to wholeheartedly serve God."
This quote really resonated with me too, because the tasks truly are never-ending. It puts a greater vision on our sometimes seemingly meaningless job as homemaker. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!