Thursday, April 24, 2014

Homeschool Joy

I don't know exactly why, but I haven't been on top of blogging lately.  Maybe it's because I am big and pregnant.  Maybe it's because I have a two year old that demands oodles of attention and re-direction and training these days.  Maybe it's because our days are full and our free time is limited.  Not sure why, but blogging has taken a back seat for me, and I'm just embracing this season for what it is.  There will be time later to write more thoughts about life down.  For now, I am busy living in the day to day.

I am feeling so blessed by homeschooling lately, so thankful that we have chosen this path for our family.  It works for us so well.  I wanted to capture a few moments for us that have been rewarding and joy-giving.  I want to cherish and remember these sweet days of teaching and learning along with my eager-to-learn children...

A friend of my mom's was going through her classroom and gave us this 600-piece puzzle of the world.  The boys were excited to do a puzzle with so many pieces, but I must confess, Zach and I probably got into it most of all.  But it was a team effort, and we had fun accomplishing it together!

One day we were eating lunch and Micah all of a sudden had inspiration to make the phases of the moon with his cucumbers.  Can't stand it.  So cute.  

In one of our lessons for science, we were learning about the layers of the earth - crust, mantle, and core - and our book had us use a hard-boiled egg as a visual for these layers.  So cool!

This is a picture of real-life-homeschooling right here.  Some days are busy with other things, and we end up finishing schooling while I am making dinner.  This is Micah working on math while I sit peeling and cutting carrots for dinner next to him.  Had to capture this moment.

This month, we have been learning about volcanoes and got to "explode" a volcano with our friends in their backyard.  Even Sophia loved getting in on the action.

We also have been learning about the earth's plates and their boundaries and the different ways they move and interact with each other.  Here are the kids pretending they are plates and trying out the different things that happen at the plates' boundaries.  Fun!

And finally, we used play dough to demonstrate how mountains are formed, how earthquakes happen, and how the plates move and grind into each other, away from each other, or under each other.  Love hands-on learning!

Thankful for this season and for all of our amazing curriculum that gives us such creative ideas!  And I love learning along with my kiddos.

Happy Thursday to you all!

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