Friday, December 21, 2012

A Merry, Thankful Thursday

So here's the truth...I am not very good at this blogging thing.  I love to write.  I love to capture moments I have with my sweet children.  I love to post pictures to file away for later.  And I hope to be an encouragement here and there.

BUT I have way more thoughts than I have time to type them out.  I have maxed out on my picture limit with blogger and can't for the life of me figure out a way around this...therefore, no pictures on my blog lately.  I am not a super tech-savvy person, and I do not have a lot of extra time on my hands.  SO please bear with me.  Being the Christmas season (which also means going out of town for us), and being that I am home with my four children, and homeschooling, I am not feeling the ease of extra time.  I am too busy living my life to write about it.  So I think I shall take a blogging break while I am busy spending Christmas with my family.

For today, I am thankful for a new haircut, matching winter hats for the kids., snowflakes drifting down from the sky, and freshly-popped popcorn.

I am thankful for the questions of my six-year old..."Mom, when you die, do you go to Heaven right away or do you wait until the world ends and then go all at once?"...which remind me how active and brilliant his mind really is.  I love when he gives me glimpses into the way he thinks.

I am thankful for a peaceful December.  This month can often get crazy for us, but this year, we were intentional about what we could say yes and no to and have really and truly enjoyed the Christmas season without stress.  We have been able to enjoy the season with some of our traditions and favorites, like baking cookies, cutting down our Christmas tree, doing our daily advent devotions, making a paper chain, visiting Santa, looking at lights, wrapping presents, etc., but it has all been a fun, celebratory process...marking the JOY of the season and the JOY of Jesus coming to earth with special moments and observations.  I am so very thankful for the sweetness of this month and for the way in which we have been able to enjoy it all.

I am mostly thankful, this Christmas season, that God sent his son, Jesus, to earth to live and die for our sins and to offer us the joy and peace that come from life knowing him.  True peace and contentment are only from life with our Father and what better time to celebrate than now that Jesus is Lord!

Wishing you a very, Merry Christmas!!!

"See" you in 2013!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Day in the City


This year, we decided to do a family day in the city as a family "present," and we loved every minute of it. I love the hustle and bustle of the city, especially at Christmastime, and this day was no exception. The kids loved taking the train and the city bus to the Shedd Aquarium, and we loved our day there, exploring the animals and enjoying the shows. We splurged on a fun Italian dinner out and then walked through some of the city lights and Christmas displays. We officially decided that it will be an annual tradition. Loved, loved, loved it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Ahhh...right now I am thankful to be sitting down.  Zach worked a bit late and so I was "on" for many hours and am now wiped.

BUT I am thankful for Zach picking up some fajitas for us to split for a little at-home date on the couch watching Parenthood episodes.

I am also thankful for a candle glowing warmly on the counter, for the hum of the dishwasher running, and for many folded stacks of laundry on my bed (I am thankful that I actually SAW the bottom of my hamper today ...even if it only lasted for a few hours).

I am thankful for my children's excitement over tortilla pizzas for dinner...seriously??  Is that all it takes?  Love that they love the simple things.

I am thankful for the story of Brother Andrew, a real-life hero of the faith.  We just finished reading his biography today and it was powerful and exciting and challenging all at the same time.

I am thankful for the joy of the Christmas kids LOVE to cut another loop off their paper chain, eat another chocolate out of their advent calendars, and hang the daily picture that corresponds with daily Scripture for the advent devotional we do each night.  They love these little routines of marking each day of this Christmas month, and I love it, too.  I am thankful for the lit-up tree and the Christmas music playing and the cards coming in the mail and the Christmas books being read over and over.  Such a special season, and I love that they are excited about Baby Jesus.

I am thankful for a date with Ella this week, just her and me, to eat lunch and go to Starbucks.  What a sweet time with my little crazy.  And I am immensely thankful for a woman at church who REQUESTED to watch my children for a few hours this week...just because.  I really don't think that has ever happened before.  And while she was here, she unloaded my dishwasher, switched the laundry, and snuck a few groceries into our fridge.  Totally humbled and overwhelmed by this outpouring of love and service.  And SO grateful.

I could go on but it is time to eat and rest.

Love to you on this December Thursday...

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday

My kiddos are already in bed, so they are not able to weigh in on today's thankful list.  It's a good thing, though, because I didn't have my computer out today.  I only checked my email once and put the laptop away again, so I very much liked it not being a distraction from my parenting or my life today.  Don't get me wrong...the laptop and the Internet are a wonderful thing and very necessary at times, but today, it was a nice break.

Today, I am thankful for my house decorated for Christmas.  I love it.  I love the Christmas season, I love the lit-up tree, I love the big basket of Christmas books, my beautiful Christmas dishes, the box of Christmas music, and the stockings hung in a row from our bookshelf.  I love it all.  Today the kids and I made a paper chain, and I am particularly thankful for the jagged cutting, green and red construction paper links hanging in our living room.

I am also thankful for a less-scheduled, less-busy week.  We have been home every evening this week, a rarity for us, and we are enjoying the slower pace.  I am thankful for time to work on Christmas gifts and stuff Christmas cards and fold laundry and cook dinner.  I love my role as a stay-at-home mama.

Micah and Sammy continue to carry-out with great conviction and passion our superhero-named family.  Our titles are becoming quite the norm.  In fact, I am missing the name, "Mommy."  I am thankful, though, for their sweet imaginations and the creativity with which they play and move and breathe.  It is so inspired and brilliant.  In case you are wondering, Sophia has graduated from "Short Hair" to "Baby Fantastic."  I am still Spidergirl, Zach is still Wolverine, Ella is still Black Widow, and Micah is still Hulk.  Sammy's identity, however, seems to change weekly, if not daily.  His current identity is Big Boy Hulk, with Micah as his "dad" Hulk.  LOVE it.

I found out today that Sophia is allergic to dairy, and since I am still nursing, that means a dairy-free diet for myself, too.  Although I will admit that tears were shed over this discovery (many of them selfish and self-pitying for the ice cream and cheese and hot cocoa and Christmas goodies I will not be able to enjoy), I am wanting to be thankful for the blessings in this situation...that I now know to cut dairy out of Sophia's diet (which will hopefully lead to less colds, ear infections, and diaper rashes), that she is young enough to not know the difference, that I already have lots of dairy-free foods and recipes (due to Sammy's dairy allergy), and that it is only a temporary diet change for me.  Sometimes when I feel sad about Sammy's allergies (and now Sophia's, too), I think of the many parents who have real, hard diagnoses for their children, like awful diseases or mental health conditions, and I realize that I would take allergies and ear infections any day.  So thankful for the health that we do have.

I am thankful for our daily advent devotions which are reminding us of the real meaning of Christmas...the birth of a Savior for our needy world.  May you know, today, the joy and peace and life that He offers freely to all.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Recipe of the Week - Garlic Carrots

This recipe is one of our first favorite recipes from the beginning of marriage, when I would dutifully pour over cookbooks, planning recipes and creating elaborate grocery lists.  That practice hasn't necessarily held intact, but our love for these yummy carrots has!  Something different, easy, cheap and delicious!

Garlic Carrots

1 pound baby carrots
2 garlic carrots, minced
2 T. olive oil
1/4 cup hot water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
dash pepper

In a skillet, saute carrots and garlic in oil for 5 minutes.  Add water, salt, thyme, and pepper.  Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and cook for 8-12 minutes or until carrots are tender.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Choosing the Couch

Our days this past week have been full to the brim from the wee hours of the morning to late at night.

There is so much I want to blog about to and capture... Ella's first haircut.

...a quick trip to Minnesota for my grandma-in-law's funeral. whole 20-person family together for brunch and a gingerbread house making contest.

...our trip to Nebraska and Iowa and my adventure days with the kids, including the mall, swimming at the pool and a trip to the amazing Omaha children's museum. kids seeing Santa three times in a matter of days.

...Ella starting a season of tantruming.

...our trip to the Christmas tree farm and the Christmas season beginning at last in our house! in-laws coming for a visit.

And of course, I have thoughts swirling through my head, waiting for time to catch on paper.

BUT, for now, with a weary body and a tired mind, I am choosing the couch instead.  We plowed through as much clean up as we could for an hour after the children were asleep, and now, we are leaving the rest for tomorrow.  We have not rested in days, and the show, Parenthood is calling my name.  Zach's pouring some hot chocolate and we are sinking into the couch, admiring the Christmas lights and munching on some cookies hot from the oven.

The rest can wait.

I'm choosing the couch.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Recipe of the Week - Homemade Brownies

My husband and I are in love with this recipe for homemade brownies from my dear friend, Kristy.  I do not think I would like to admit how many time we have made them in the past couple of months.  I had never made brownies from scratch before, and I had no idea how easy it was!!  Since getting this recipe, we have not made brownies from a box...they are THAT good!!  And they could be a fun addition to your Christmas baking this season.


1 stick butter, plus 2 Tbs. of butter
5 or 6 Tbs. of cocoa
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup flour
dash of salt
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
chocolate chips
1/2 cup pecans, optional

Melt butter.  Add cocoa.  Add sugar, eggs, and vanilla.
Beat well.  Mix in flour and salt.  Add a generous sprinkling of chocolate chips and mix again.
Add nuts if desired.
Bake in a greased 9 x 9 pan at 325 for 25 min. or more depending on your oven.  Just keep checking. :-)
I like to sprinkle with powdered sugar for a "pretty" look.

Brownie Cutting Tip:  Did you know that if you cut your brownies with a plastic knife, they will cut smoothly, without "tearing" or pulling the brownies apart?  Totally works!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Taking Care of YOU

I had a request from a lovely mama for a blog post on how to take care of and do things for YOURSELF as a mom.

I am obviously no expert on mothering (or on self-care), but in the six years I've been a mom, I've been thankful for some great outlets and breaks for myself.

Here goes...

1.  Join a play group.  When Micah was a baby, I ended up in a playgroup with several others moms.  We all had a baby around the same age, and we met regularly at parks and houses with our babes.  Although we have all since had more babies and playgroup has dissolved because of school schedules and location, etc., some of these moms have remained my closest friends.  It was such a fun treat in my week to get together with them.

2.  Do a Mommy Night Out.  With these same moms, we put one night a month on the calendar to go out after dinner and the kids' bedtimes to get a drink or dessert.  We would talk and laugh for hours, and this always refueled me in a unique way.  Gather a group of moms (or just other ladies!) and plan a night out.  Go get coffee.  Drink a glass of wine.  Eat some chocolate cake.  Go to Chilis and get a margarita and chips and salsa (one of my personal favorites!).  Take a break and just ENJOY!

3.  Go on a retreat.  About once a year, I have tried to get away for an overnight (or a weekend) with other women for a retreat.  Our church does an annual retreat that I have been blessed to attend.  And Hearts at Home has a regular conference for moms (a few times a year in a few different cities) in which you can attend workshops and sessions and be encouraged and equipped in your incredible profession of motherhood.  Each time I have left my family for a retreat or a conference, I have come back completely inspired to be a better wife and mama.  Don't feel guilty for leaving your family...they will be blessed by you going and taking a break for yourself!!!

4.  Date your husband.  My hubby and I have always believed so much in continuing to "date" after marriage that we give a date night set of gift cards for almost every wedding gift we give.  Although we "dated" more before having kids, we still make a strong effort to go out once a month for a date...just the two of us (and an "at home date" once a week).  Not only do I believe this is crucial and life-giving to your marriage, it is also a wonderful break for YOU!  Sitting at a quiet dinner or sipping a fancy coffee or enjoying a movie at the theater is a great time to relax and enjoy some "you" time!

5.  Tell your hubby what you need.  One line I've heard my mom say that she learned at a class once is, "You don't have a glass head."  In other words...your spouse cannot magically know what you need when you need it.  We cannot "see" each other's thoughts.  Give him (or her) the benefit of the doubt by telling him when you need a break.  Sometimes I think we wait and wait for our spouses to figure out what we need only to be more frustrated that they don't know.  So tell him.  Tell him you need an hour for a nap.  Tell him you need to get groceries by yourself.  Ask him if you can schedule in a morning to go do errands solo or to meet a friend for coffee.  It will do you (and your marriage!) wonders.  Don't be a martyr.  Take a break when you need it.

6.  Take little breaks.  Sometimes we just need a break in the midst of our day to day.  Make a cup of tea. Take a nap when your babies are napping.  Call a girlfriend.  Read a novel for a few minutes before doing the dishes.  Just stop here and there and breathe.  The work will always be there.  And eventually, it will get done. :-)

7.  Say good-bye to the GUILT.  For some reason, we, as moms, have told ourselves that it is better and more honorable to work and work and work and never stop to take care of ourselves.  Believe me, I have learned this the hard way on a number of occasions.  It's like the common flight attendant speech on an airplane...if you need the oxygen masks, put the mask on YOURSELF before putting masks on your children.  Although I will admit that my initial instinct is to say, "Yeah RIGHT!", I understand the point.  It is almost impossible to effectively take care of others if you have nothing to give.  Don't feel guilty taking care of yourself.  Doing things for YOU is a gift to your family.  You will be more prepared and better equipped to be the mama and the wife you want to be if you stop and do some self-care here and there.

Hope this helps!  I'm obviously still in the thick of learning how to take care of myself, but these are things I have found to be so helpful for me!  Here's hoping we can all take care of ourselves through this busy season of Christmas so we can enjoy the precious moments along the way.

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Unconditional Love Reversed

Many people say that when you are a parent, you understand more of God's unconditional love for his children because you experience a strong, relentless kind of love for your own children.

I have often thought that it can also be the opposite.

I think that Sophia teaches me the definition of unconditional love because she seems to have a beautiful sort of this kind of love for me.

There is something unique about babies.  They just love their mamas.  No matter what. 

It doesn't matter if I have make up on or if I'm in my jammies.

It doesn't matter if I have bad breath or am wearing lipstick or have brushed my hair.

It doesn't matter what time of the day it is or what I am wearing or what kind of mood I am in.

She just adores me.  Any time.  Anywhere.  Under any conditions.

Sophia stares at me with her big, round, sparkly eyes and gives me the most adoring smiles.  She gazes at me and loves me with her eyes and her grins and her energy and she seems to love in a powerful way.

So for me, Sophia has taught me more of God's unconditional love for me because she, in her nine-month-old self, seems to love me unconditionally.

And I want to love more like her.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thursday

It is 11:27 pm, and I am falling asleep at the computer.

Our morning was full of baking and cooking and bustling around to move out the door to my in-laws, and the day there was a fun, family day, complete with delicious food and sisters-in-law in town to visit.

Zach's grandma died this week, and although she lived a full 94 years of life, death is always a surprising and sad thing.  So we are packing up and headed to Minnesota in the morning for the services.  Upon returning Saturday night, we are unpacking and repacking for a quick trip to Nebraska, tagging along with Zach on a work trip.  Needless to say, it is a bit of a whirlwind in our home (and in my mind), so I will keep this brief.

Even though we do Thankful Thursday every week, I'd love to give thanks for things I've thought on while looking back over the last year.

Today I am thankful for...

1. My hubby and my four children are such a part of the fabric of my being.  I cannot imagine life without any of them.  Our family is such a sacred gift to me.  I treasure my children and my marriage and this little life we are creating together.  Seriously am living out my childhood dreams.

2. My extended thankful to have family around, and my family is so awesome at loving unconditionally.  Love them so much.

3. My in-laws...I have amazing in-laws.  They support us well; they adore my children...SO blessed.

4. Our church...We have never felt so at home in a church before.  We just love the community there so so much and are so thankful for our "church family" and our small group in a deep way.

5. Financial provision...This year has brought many surprise gifts...a generous gift of money to support our homeschooling year, free diapers, hand-me-down clothes, free meals, etc.  I am always in awe of the ways in which our God takes care of us.

6. Good Books...the last year has brought many applicable and powerful books across my path.  I am also so thankful for my book study best friends.  It is wonderful to walk through the mommyhood journey with others.

7. A New CAMERA!

8. Homeschooling.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to be home with my kiddos, and I am thrilled that my boys are learning and thriving tremendously.

9. Silly little hot tea, flowers, Starbucks, pasta, a clean kitchen, snuggles, a new show, a good novel, a baby smile, worship music, the pitter patter of toddler feet, etc.

10. And lastly, I am so thankful that God is ALIVE and has come to bring us JOY and PEACE and LIFE everlasting.  So thankful that I am being transformed and refined, and, of course, I am grateful that I am an imperfect work in progress.

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday!  This post is full of gift lists from the boys and some recent pics of our happenings.  Blessings to you this Thankful Month!

Sammy's Gifts
-Trio Blocks
-the book, Rio
-the book, The Smurfs
-Colossus (Sammy's new superhero name for Daddy)
-Spidergirl (that's me)
-Flash (that's Sammy)
-Mrs. Flash (that's Sammy's wife) and Kid Flash (that's Sammy's kid)
-Hulk (that's Micah)
-Short Hair (that's Sophia)
-Black Widow (that's Ella)
-TransformerMan (that's Chuck)
-Spiderman (that's Nolan)
-Uncle Chuck
-Sophia's teddy blanket
-the couch that we're sitting on
-ice cream
-Sammy chocolate...Flash chocolate
-Toy Story
-Angry Birds
-Mario, Sonic, Temple Run, Wind-up Knight, Super Daddio, Fruit Ninja, Jetpack Joyride
-Joker's Joyride

Micah's Gifts
I am thankful... 
-for this day.
-that we all get to be here together with each other.
-that I'm going to do subtraction next time we do math.
-for God.
-for what I'm doing right now because it's fun (a math activity).
-that I signed up for the next session of Spotlight.
-for Mommy.
-that I did my second Unit Test for math.

Ella's Gifts
I am thankful for Black Widow.
I am thankful for EVERYTHING!

My Gifts
Today I continue to be thankful that I am a work in progress, and that God does not expect perfection.  I am thankful that there is grace for the times I fail and that there is hope to continue to be transformed into the woman and mama I want to be.  I am thankful that God holds me in the palm of his hand and takes care of our every need.
Zach brought home leftover Mexican food today from a work meeting (and when I say leftover food, I mean enough leftover food to host a party), so I am thankful for a free, yummy dinner tonight (and probably many nights).
I am so very thankful for our house.  Even though it is small, I really and truly love it.  It is so safe and homey to me, and I feel very blessed to have a space to call our own.
I am thankful that I am homeschooling.  I have not talked much about homeschooling on my blog, as it has the potential to be a controversial topic, but Zach and I really believe that it is God's calling and purpose for our lives right now.  And I am loving it so very much.  My boys are learning and thriving, and I am thankful to be home with my children, soaking up so much sacred time with them.  Some of our highlights as of late: reading aloud the biography of Brother Andrew (a real-life hero of the faith), making painted handprint turkeys, watching Micah love his math lessons and really getting it, seeing Sammy light up around a map, wanting to know about countries around the world, taking the boys to McDonalds and to see a musical production of Peter Pan on a date, and getting to take off to Michigan this past weekend.  We have had lots of fun field trips and excursions, and I love it all.

Fun with cousins in Michigan and at the children's museum...

My boys with their happy meals on our date...these are a special treat, so we captured the moment. 

Waiting for the play to start...

Our homeschool buddies...

Sophia continues to embody sweetness in its purest form.  She is a treasure.  I so enjoy her role in our family.  I am so very thankful for this precious baby of mine.

Ella continues to stretch me, but I, of course, love her with the fiercest kind of love.  I am thankful for her.

I am looking forward to the week ahead as people all around focus on what they can be grateful for.  What a collectively sweet time for our country to be thankful.
Thankfulness precedes the joy.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Recipe of the Week - Corn Souffle

Need an easy side dish for Thanksgiving?
This is a staple at all of my family's holiday meals.  We all love it...AND, it is the easiest recipe EVER.

Here goes...


1 can whole kernel corn (drained)
1 can cream corn
8 ounces sour cream
2 eggs
1 stick butter, melted
1 box Jiffy (cornbread) mix

Mix all the ingredients together and pour into a greased 9 x 13 pan.
Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown on top.
Cut in squares and ENJOY!

Happy Thanksgiving-Meal-Planning!

Chaos and Peace

This morning, as I attempted to eat a bagel, feed a baby some bananas, clean chewed-up apple peels off the couch, wipe a runny nose, make a second waffle for a son, send out an email to our small group coming tonight, look at the maze my other son created, and stop a two-year old from throwing Cheerios on the floor, I felt daunted to face my day.

There are so many moving parts in my home and in my life every single day.  And sometimes, I get overwhelmed.

Don't get me wrong...I love being a mom.  I have wanted to be a mom ever since I was a little girl, and there are times when I realize that I am living out my childhood dreams.  Deep down, I am happy.  I am content.  I love my life.

But there are moments, or days, when life...the day to day...just feels hard.

Kids wake up at 4:30 in the morning rearing to go, and your baby wakes up with yet another cold, which makes probably the fifth cold in a row, back to back.  The laundry never ever stops, and your three year old wakes up in a wet bed.  Your two year old decides it would be a good idea to get out her own fruit snacks and an adult-sized pair of scissors to open them with before 7 in the morning.  She never stops moving...she is a true moving tornado...and her messes are endless.  Your day's agenda includes dishes, laundry, getting the house in good shape for company tonight, and, of course, homeschooling, and your hubby is coming home late tonight.  Add in changing the bedding and holding a sick baby and doing some painting with your kiddos (we try to do crafts on Wednesdays), and sometimes the day just feels too big for one mama.

So then there is the moment where your little girl, your little crazy, is sitting still for two minutes on the potty chair.  We sit close together, me looking into her big, round eyes, and I just stop. and breathe.  We have a little, sweet chat about potty training and eating marshmallows, and then my oldest son, my little intellect, comes and sits on the bathroom floor with us, looking up the Bible verses that go with today's morning devotional.  And he reads, "Since we live by the Spirit, keep in step with the Spirit." (Galations 5:25)  And then I remember a verse from the retreat I attended last weekend, "...the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:6)  Wow.  What a powerful reminder for my day that is already feeling too big for me at 8 in the morning.

So today, although the table is still strewn with dirty breakfast dishes, the laundry is calling my name, the coats and shoes have all been made into a pile on the living room floor, my toddlers are arguing, and my baby was eating paper she pulled into her crib when I went to get her up from her nap, I will stop.  And take a breath.  And be thankful (always my answer to everything, thanks to Ann Voskamp).  And I will make every attempt to keep in step with the Spirit.  Because today, and every day, I desire life and peace.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This morning as we prepared for a friend to come over for lunch, I felt overwhelmed by the chaos in my house.  I could not keep up.  Ella's bin of shoes had been thrown, one at a time, across the living room, and her entire basket of undies was among them, too.  She had dumped out some baking soda outside the pantry and had wanted to take off her diaper and potty train herself today, too.  The boys were distracted by new library books and were not doing their chores, either.  Magazines, clothes, toys, and books were strewn across the floor of every room of the house, and I had dishes and laundry to add to the mix.  I so badly wanted order in the house, and then I stopped myself.  This is not my season for order.  Maybe there can be order at nine o'clock at night when the children are all fast asleep, but nine in the morning??  When the day is wide open to be explored and played in and experimented with?  Not the time for constant order.  So I did what I knew to do.  I started taking deep breaths, attempted to gain some perspective, and started naming my gifts.

Today I am thankful for Ella's sweet smile and her tiny little arms that occasionally want to just be around my neck, held close to me.

I am thankful that my boys love to read so much.

I am thankful that Sophia is so content, even though she doesn't take the best naps.

I am thankful for a sweet time today with a new friend and her babe.

I am thankful for homemade cookies from my mother-in-law, fresh from the oven.

I am thankful that someone from our small group generously brought us dinner.  Seriously.  I don't think anyone has even done that besides after having surgery or having my babies.  What a treat that was!

I am thankful that we are packing up clothes and blankets and books to head to Michigan for the weekend to spend the weekend with my brother and my best friend and my nephews.

I am thankful for the way Micah's mind works...Me: "Infinity means that the numbers just keep going and going.  You can't really add to infinity."  Micah: "Yes, you can.  Infinity plus zero equals infinity."  Love it.

I am thankful for hot tea.

I am thankful for fall flowers.

And I am thankful that I am a work in progress, working towards something greater than myself.

Looking for a fun thankfulness activity this month to do with your family?  Ann Voskamp has a free printable and guide to a Thanksgiving activity with Scripture and leaves.  Just printed out mine this morning.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Recipe of the Week - Taco Quiche

This recipe is from one of my favorite Taste of Home cookbooks.  It is both simple and delicious, and we have often served it with rice and corn on the side.  Enjoy!

Taco Quiche

1 pound ground beef (or ground turkey)
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped green pepper
1 envelope taco seasoning
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup biscuit/baking mix
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup milk
!Salsa and  sour cream for topping)

In a large skillet, cook the beef, onion, green pepper, and taco seasoning over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain.  Spread into a 9-inch greased pie plate.  Sprinkle with cheese.  In a bowl, combine the biscuit mix, eggs, and milk; mix well.  Pour over the cheese.  Bake at 400 for 20-25 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.  Serve with salsa and sour cream.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This week, Grandma (Zach's mom) came to stay with us for a few days.  We went to the library, she got to see Micah's first-ever Spotlight Showcase, she was here for our Halloween party, and today, we went on a field trip to the children's museum.  Today I am thankful for a mother-in-law who takes time out of her normal life to come be with us and do life with us...especially being so willing to help...including changing diapers, sweeping the floor, doing dishes, chopping onions, holding babies, reading books, taking the kids for walks, baking lots of cookies, and of course, providing great, silly-grandma entertainment.  So thankful for such a great relationship with her and for this special time to spend together, talking, laughing, and doing day-to-day life alongside each other.

She did Thankful Thursday tonight with us after dinner, too...

Grandma is thankful for a fun time here and for a great son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids.
Thankful for a chance to see life here in the "busy zone"...A busy, LOUD, very Christ-centered household...AND thankful for a quiet home in Minnesota.

Micah is thankful that Grandma is here.  I'm thankful for this day.  And I'm thankful I've gotten so far in this book.  I'm thankful for going to the children's museum.  And I liked the ball thing and the thing where we pressed into it and saw ourselves on the other side.

Sammy is thankful for what Grandma is thankful for.  I'm thankful for all our new library books that we never got before.  I'm thankful that Grandma is here.  I'm thankful for going on a walk and going to the museum.  I'm thankful for Halloween.  I like trick-or-treating.

If Ella had done Thankful Thursday today, I'm pretty sure she would have been thankful for playing in the grocery store at the museum, and getting soaking wet in the water room.  Her squeals and bouncing gave her away.  She had a blast.

Thankful for such a full week and for the blessing of family around us for life's special events.  Thankful for a fridge full of food, for floors that are swept, and for a warm bed to crash in after days of non-stop activities.  Thankful for getting to nurse my sweet baby and for my children's love of books.  Thankful for Ella's sweet singing voice at dinner, "You're my rock and my redeemer...You're the reason that I sing...I desire to be a blessing in your eyes..." even though she sang it over. and over. and over...and at an increasingly higher and higher volume.  Still precious, though.  Thankful for a night at home without plans.  Thankful that I have a God I can trust and in whom I can place all my fears and anxieties...for both the big, and the small.  Thankful to get to go on an overnight retreat with the women of our church tomorrow, and thankful that I know my husband will hold down the fort well while I'm gone (and that my children will probably have way more fun than when I'm at does it always seem to work like that?)  Thankful that I have all that I need.  And more.

What are you thankful for today?

Happy Halloween!

I love the fall.
And I love Halloween.
I do not love any of the scary parts of Halloween, but I love the little children in cute, colorful costumes and walking around the neighborhood on a crisp, fall evening.  I love the taco soup simmering and the smell of hot apple cider.  I love the lit jack-o-lanterns, and I love our little, annual "Halloween Party" with my family.  We serve soup and bread and all the cousins trick-or-treat together.  It has become a fun tradition.
Our Halloween today was spent enjoying Grandma being here from Minnesota, making sugar cookies for the party, and painting pumpkin pictures and mini pumpkins for a centerpiece.  And then...costume time!  The children had a blast!

 My princess...

My little bumblebee...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle...

And my Angry Bird...


Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!