This is one of those weekends where I couldn't stop being so very thankful for summer and family and friends. It has been a full-to-the-brim weekend, packed with Fourth of July festivities, visits with old friends from out of town, sunscreen, watermelon, popsicles, smores, sparklers, picnics, barbeques, and swim suits. It has been summer at its best. We have been with family daily, and my kids (and I!) have soaked up time with their cousins, laughing and playing together, hugging, chatting, and making memories. Love it all.
Here are pictures from our weekend. You wouldn't believe how many I am NOT including. I know there are a lot, but I couldn't help myself. This weekend had way too many moments needing to be captured.
Fireworks on the night of the 3rd, just the six of us. Sweet time. |
Fourth of in their red, white, and blue! |
Flag fruit kabob |
Barbeque at my parents' house...all the cousins enjoying dinner together |
Red, white, and blue popsicles...a must on the 4th! |
The flag cake my amazing sister made |
July 5th...some of our dearest friends from Minnesota were in Chicago for the weekend and came over for a barbeque! So fun to have the seven of them join us! We always seem to just pick up where we left off, and it was fun to talk and laugh all night! |
Sparklers at the end of the night |
July 6th...Farmers Market with cousins...Micah and Savannah climbing trees |
About to walk through the market together! |
My favorite part...creating our own $5 bouquet of flowers. Each child helped pick flowers that we put together for one gorgeous bouquet! |
Hug break! |
Final product! |
Picnic lunch |
My two nephews were here from Michigan and we got to have them overnight. So fun to watch the kids play together in the backyard pool! |
Ella so proud of herself after braving the sprinkler! |
July 7th...the Crystal Lake parade!!!!!!! All ten cousins (9 faces and the back of Sophia's head)! Love them all! |
Very special to think that my family and I were at this same parade every year of my childhood, and here we are, still at the parade, but now with our kids! So special. |
One of my favorite pictures of the big brother with my little girl. Speechless. |
Soph being silly for the camera, saying, "CHEESE!" |
And this pretty much sums up our weekend...all tuckered out!!! |
The girls were asleep after the parade before we even got to our car. Headed home for a dinner of leftovers, baths, and early bedtime for all.
Thankful thankful thankful.
Love summer. Love family. Love it all.
awesome!!!!!!!!!! laurie culshaw