Monday, March 3, 2014


Our sweet baby girl is TWO.  She has changed so much lately, from baby to toddler, little to big.  But we continue to have the same sentiments about this daughter of ours - we are completely smitten, head-over-heels in love with her and her precious presence in our family.  This girl is so full of joy and smiles and silliness and endless energy.  She never stops!  Her siblings adore her and dote on her constantly, upset with Zach or me when we have to discipline her.  She really is SO DARN CUTE - scurrying around the house with such purpose, her little legs hurrying to take her on whatever mission is next.  She is also our MOST challenging toddler so far - with such non-stop energy and busyness that gets her into mischief or precarious situations constantly (and which wakes her up at 4:30 in the morning!!).  She moves chairs to climb where she wants to get.  She is an escape artist getting expertly out of her crib.  She has a radar for wherever our phones might be and tries to capture them and run away.  She goes into the fridge like its nobody's business, and she loves to go behind cushions, behind furniture, and on top of beds.  I try to speak positively about this - affirming that she will MOVE MOUNTAINS someday and will get things DONE in life with all this energy that this girl contains.  Even though there are days when I can't wait for her to nap so I can have a little break, I really, really, really want to embrace and speak LIFE over her amazing personality.  This girl is something else.  Can't wait to see what God has in store for her and her charisma!  

Sophia loves to sing and dance.  She belts out "Let it Go" and sings "Happy Birthday" all the time.  She also loves worship songs from church.  She talks constantly, and has been speaking in full sentences for quite some time.  My favorite things she says are...."Can I help you, Mommy??  Can I help you?"  "Sorry!  Sorry!"  "Love you!"  "Can I see the baby?"  "Are you okay, Ella?" "Thank you."  "Welcome."  Her voice is so precious.  We love when she talks.

Sophia colors ALL the time, but only likes markers.  She has recently started loving books more and more, which is a blessing, as she will sometimes sit still and flip through a few!!!  Amazing!  She loves Minnie Mouse and Dora and princesses, and she is SO INTO BABIES.  This girl pushes her babies around in strollers, changes their diapers, and covers them with blankets for nappies.  She is such a little mama, and I know she will just adore her baby sister when she arrives.  She loves the iPad (such a child of the 2000's) and the concept of movies, although she doesn't really sit still to watch one.  Every single morning, she asks for an orange and a piece of cheese when she first wakes up (vegan cheese, as she is still off dairy for now).  Her favorite food is Mexican - beans, rice, guacamole, salsa, tacos.  But she also loves noodles, chicken, pizza, yogurt, hummus, tomatoes, and most fruit, especially strawberries and raspberries.  Her favorite thing of ALL TIME, though, is her family.  She talks about us constantly and needs to know where each of us are at all times.  When it is nap or bedtime, she MUST say good night to each of her siblings.  Precious.  And when she wakes up, they are the first on her mind.  She loves them so very much.  I am constantly thankful for the love that my children have for each other.  Not that they never fight over toys or yell at each other and hit each other, but all in all, they are each other's biggest fans, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh, Sophia Elaine, we love you SO MUCH.  You are our crazy, amazing, full-of-joy girl.  We adore you and can't imagine life without you.  You bring so much love and laughter into our home.  Seeing you concerned about your siblings and comforting them when they need it just speaks volumes of your sweet, sweet personality, and we love the EXACT way God created you.  May you love being TWO.  

Happy Birthday, Soph!!!!

As usual, I seem unable to post a birthday post without a gazillion pictures.  And I love how bloggers weave in pictures throughout their text so beautifully, but I don't seem to do this as seamlessly, so here are ALL my favorite pics of Sophia from her first birthday until now...


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