Friday, August 24, 2012

Ella is TWO

My Ella is two today.

I cannot even put words to the joy that this child exudes from every part of her being and the joy that she has brought our family.

She is crazy...boy, is she crazy. She talks all the time, she gets into her brothers' buildings and creations and she pushes herself right into Sophia's personal bubble for kisses and a chat.  She already has strong opinions and loves all things girly.  She gets into things right under my nose and makes messes I never knew were possible, and she has caused me to throw my hands in the air and groan many, many times.

But, oh, how my heart beats for this child of mine.

If you have interacted at all with Ella, I am sure that you have smiled. She just has that effect on people. She causes people to turn heads and smile and comment and wave and have a little “hello” conversation.

Because Ella loves life to the full. She giggles and squeals and jumps and dances. She hardly knows how to walk as those feet are always running or bouncing or dancing. She is loud, loud, LOUD, but she lives LOUD and loves BIG and enjoys life WELL and I so want to be more like her.

I really cannot believe she is my daughter. How did we get so blessed?

(I couldn't help but fill this post with pictures...there are just too many of this spunky, full-of-life girl.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at the pictures more easily.)

Happy 2nd Birthday, my sweet, crazy, joyful, beautiful, one-in-a-million Ella Jo.

Keep dancing that dance and singing that loud, loud song to the tune of life.

You are going to change lives, my sweet girl.

I can't wait to watch it happen.

I love you.


  1. Oh how I love that girl. She does possess a certain charm. Happy birthday, Bells! Nana loves you. Xoxo

  2. What an incredible little lady. I want to be more like her too! One of my favorite pictures is the one where she's pushing the wagon. Pure joy! I want my face to look like that more often. :)
