I am thankful for...
Daddy, Mommy, Micah, Mommy Hulk, Nana, Papa, Chuck, Nolan, Grandma, and Grandpa.
I am thankful for...
my family, my friends, that we watched a movie, Sammy, Ella, Daddy, Mommy, and Sophia especially, that we get to go camping tomorrow, that it didn't rain today, that Sammy is pretending to be Mommy Hulk (a huge part of their pretend world lately...the Hulk Family), that Sophia is getting a good rest, that Chuck and Nolan are going tomorrow, and us, and I am thankful that my eyes are good...that's what the doctor says.
Even though my plans for the day changed drastically (we were supposed to leave today for a camping trip with my whole family and instead stayed home due to a run-in with the stomach flu), I was thankful for extra snuggle time with my kiddos on the couch, a husband who went out to get me chicken noodle soup and iced tea, and a family movie time complete with all 6 of us snuggling on the couch. Sometimes we just have to make lemonade, right?? I am thankful that Sophia had absolutely no clue that I was any different than normal and continued to adore me in her sweet, baby fashion, gazing at me lovingly with her big, blue eyes and giving me big, toothless smiles as if I was still her favorite person in the world, even running on very low energy. I am thankful that I am feeling lots better and that we can still join the family at the campground tomorrow. And I am thankful that Zach happened to be off work today since we were supposed to be leaving, and therefore, graciously held down the fort for me.
Always, always so much to be thankful for.
What are you thankful for today?
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