The words of Ann Voskamp are transforming my life.
Over and over.
I am learning and really and truly believing that the answer to the most content and joy-filled life is in the gratitude, the naming of gifts, the noticing of grace...
This is my answer every. single. day.
And today, I re-discoverd her Manifesto for Joyful Parenting...I am reading this up and soaking it in and praying, praying, praying that these will be true for me.
Only with grace...
Be blessed today by her words...
10 Point Manifesto for Joyful Parenting
1. Today, I will make our home a house of prayer. I will pray at set times. And I will invite our children to come move into an interior space that lives with God.
3. Today, I will not have any emergencies. There are no emergencies! Only amateurs hurry.
4. Today, when stress mounts, I pray to dismount it withgratitude. My stress management plan will be intervention with verbal thanks. I can only feel one feeling at a time, and I choose to give thanks at all times.Fight feeling with feeling!
5. Today, I will pray to speak words that are only STRONG words, words that make these children feel strong. Grace words. Grace is the only non-toxic air. All other words I breathe are death words.
6. Today, I will pray to be consistently consistent. I will create safe rhythms that our children can find security in. I will create daily ceremonies because everyday we are CELEBRATING the gift of now!
7. Today, the moment when I am most repelled by a child’s behavior, that is my sign to draw the very closest to that child.
8. Today, I will hug each of my children as many times as I serve them meals — because children’s hearts feed on touch. I’ll look for as many opportunities to touch my children today as possible — the taller they are, the more so.
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