Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sophia's Surgery

Tomorrow, my sweet Sophia is having surgery.

She is having tubes put into her little ears.

For six months, Sophia has had chronic ear infections, and in between ear infections, there is almost always fluid that continues to stay in her ears.  As a result, she has failed her hearing tests and has been diagnosed with mild hearing loss (which should hopefully be corrected after her surgery).  The poor baby gets these infections pretty badly, with high fevers (that have lasted up to five days!) and a lot of pain!  So when we saw the ENT and she said that Sophia was definitely a candidate for ear tubes, I was so relieved!  Finally a solution to what is stealing my daughter's happy personality and all of our sleep!  For a mama who doesn't love antibiotics, this has been a long six months of antibiotics (including a horrific allergic reaction) and doctor's appointments and a LOT of hours of a twenty-two pound babe on my hip!  (I have gotten really good at doing things one handed...even going to the bathroom!!  TMI?  Sorry.)

So tonight we will bring our oldest three to my parents' house where they will stay for the night and for tomorrow, and Zach and I will tuck Sophia into her carseat first thing in the morning to make the trek to Evanston hospital where a stellar ENT will be waiting for her!  Thankful, thankful, thankful.

If you think of my precious baby girl tomorrow, please say a prayer for her.  That all would go smoothly, that we all three would have peace as they take her from our arms, and that she would have a speedy recovery coming out of the anesthesia.

Jesus, thank you for holding my sweet, sweet baby in your arms.  Hold her and protect her and pour your love out on her tonight.  Amen.


  1. Oh, I will be praying! I'll pray for the doctor's steady hand and wisdom, and for you and Zach too - that you would have peace as you hand her over. May you all rest well tonight knowing that He loves her most and will comfort and protect her. Love you!

  2. Sending thoughts and prayers. Jaz had to have a little surgery a few months ago. I cried as I sang him "to sleep." I'll pray that Sophia does as well afterward as Jaz did (inhaling 2 huge bowls of mac n cheese as soon as we got home) and that this takes care of all of her ear issues!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Sophia transitioned home so nicely, too! Miss you!

  3. I will be thinking of you and your precious baby! I hope all goes well and the misery that is chronic ear infections will end. Ryder just had this done and is feeling so so much better! Now he is complaining that everything is so loud! Prayers that you have the same outcome!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Kim! Poor Ryder! That's gotta be rough when you are old enough to understand all that is going on! Summer park playgroup dates??? Let's do it!
