I'm not really sure if this is spring or summer, but whatever it is, I'll take it.
Today, we celebrated this beautiful weather by taking a walk to our neighborhood pond, leaving our wagon, scooter, and bike in the grass, and taking a trek around our pond. The kids picked dandelions, we did a nature walk, and discussed things like weeping willows, what plants need to grow, habitats and climate, and how creative God is to give us such beautiful surroundings. We saw a fish jump out of the pond and even saw (what we think was) a sandhill crane!! Amazing! The kids pretended they were birds, and I really tried hard to teach Ella that the grass is green. I was hopeful to have this mastered by the end of the walk, but, alas, she is still not interested in learning her colors (other than pink, of course). We came home and ate lunch outside on the patio. There is something about eating outside that just feels like we're on vacation! I love it. We stayed out as long as possible before needing to come in for naps and schooling.
The girls went down for naps with rosy cheeks, damp foreheads, and smelling like sunscreen. The windows are open. The sounds of birds chirping and yards being trimmed are coming through the window. And I love it all.
So welcome, warm weather! Please feel free to stay awhile.
Love your cute girls! Send some warm weather our way! Melissa