Monday, April 30, 2012

One of Those Mornings...

It's been one of those mornings...
I woke up with high hopes of having a calm day and getting caught up on all the to-dos of life.
I think sometimes it is worse when I wake up with that "get-lots-of-things-done-today" expectation.
Because instead of THAT, my morning looked like THIS...

Not one thing on my "list" got done.
Not one dish got washed.
Not one basket of laundry got folded.
It was a morning of messes, of children not listening, of a diaper disaster that led to a morning bath for two of my little ones, of rushing off to preschool with lunch still on the table.
Some days, I'm able to tackle this head on, take a deep breath, and plow through.
Other days, I am overwhelmed by the things I have to do and the lack of time I have to do them.
So for now, as naptime has finally come, I am taking a break to breath, to write, and to re-focus my heart on the kind of mama I want to be.  The kind that tackles the day head on, takes a deep breath, and plows through with a smile and a cheerful heart.
That is not who I was this morning.
But that is who I am prayerfully striving to be this afternoon.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday

My kids have been asking throughout the week if it's Thankful Thursday yet, so clearly we are excited for this new tradition of thankfulness.  Here is what the boys were thankful for today...

Sammy's Thankful List
-that we are throwing balls today
-my car
-that Daddy is going to come home
-this great day

Micah's Thankful List
-that I have four more eggs to find on Angry Birds
-that today we got to see Will
-that Mommy copied someone in doing Thankful Thursday so we can do Thankful Thursday, too
-that we get to play ball
-that we are going to do t-ball soon
-that my concert is tonight

Mommy's Thankful List
-a dear friend coming over for a playdate this morning and for the opportunity to pray together for our children
-all the colors in a pot of vegetable soup
-homemade brownies
-numerous hugs and kisses from my little ones
-Micah's school concert tonight, in which he and the other students sang and danced in the most precious way about God and his goodness
-an ice cream date with Micah on the couch WAY past bedtime to celebrate a special night
-a husband who encourages me to be present right in the moment and to focus on the one thing I am doing, rather than worry about all the things I'm not...

There is deep joy that comes from being thankful...hoping you can pause for a moment and count some things you are thankful for, too.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Ella

I scoop my sleeping one-year old out of her carseat and lay her slight frame in her crib.
Planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, I breathe her in and pause for just a moment, giving thanks for this first daughter of mine.
She is quite a sight to sock on, teddy clasped close to her face, hair sticky and tangled with remnants of peanut butter and peaches from lunch.
I think over the past twenty-four hours with this child...
Cups of water dumped and spilled.
Pantry opened...
Many packs of granola bars half opened and nibbled on.
All the contents of a baking soda box emptied on the floor.
The candy dish on the counter reached (after some successful climbing) and chocolate consumed before breakfast.
A baby sister sat on while relaxing quietly in the swing.
Candle holders banging together while she sits on TOP of the kitchen table.
The laptop keyboard banged on (and maybe a brother's head, too).
Hats, mittens, shoes strewn around the house from their bins by the front door.
Wax paper squeezed out through the small opening that remains from the child-lock on the cabinet door.
Garbage rummaged through.
Nasal aspirator from her sister in HER nose (and all of her baby dolls' noses).
Baby wipes out.
Laundry moved.
Food thrown on the floor from her booster-seat perch.
And the list goes on. and on. and on.
As her energy goes on. and on. and on.
And this little bundle of mine, who never stops moving and never stops mischief-making...
This same little bundle never stops smiling, never stops loving, never stops dancing and celebrating in the life that is hers.
And me?
I look at her sleeping peacefully, body unmoving only because it is finally asleep.
I can't stop rejoicing over her life either.
And I wouldn't trade her for the world.
Oh, Ella, my sweet baby girl, how I love you.
I celebrate you a million times over.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Anyone that knows me well pretty much has to know Kim.  She has been my best friend since I was fifteen years old, married my brother, became my sister-in-law, and continued to be the best friend I could ever ask for or hope for.  We're pretty much a package deal.  If you want to be friends with one of us, you basically need to be friends with both of us.

And anyone that knows Micah well pretty much has to know Little Chuck.  Chuck is his cousin born just nine months after Micah, and they have been pretty inseparable ever since.  They talk about each other often and like all the same things.  They scheme together on how to fight away all the bad guys in the world and how to beat the hardest Angry Birds levels.  They tie up bad guys with rubberbands, jump on beds together, and build TrioBlock creations like no other.  If you want to be friends with one of them, you basically need to be friends with both.

Well my and Micah's besties moved to Michigan.

We are very sad that we don't get to see them all the time anymore, but I am choosing to believe that we just need to find a new rhythm to our friendship.  It will look different than it used to, but they can still be our bestest of friends.

Part of this new rhythm includes taking trips to Michigan...which is exactly what we did this weekend.  And it was a BLAST.  Such a fun time to enjoy great Grand Rapids activities and enjoy being together.  Here are some highlights...

 Playing at the Children's Museum

 Chuck and Micah at the Lego table

 Kim with my nephew, Nolan, and my Sophia

 Sophia's sweet smile


 Cousins!  This is one of my all-time favorite pics.


 Our family of six

 Can this be any cuter??

 Ella wants in on the lovin'.

 Matching jammies!

 Best buds.

 Our trip to the zoo...the famous Sammy smile.

 Ella LOVES Daddy!

 Nana and Ella at the petting zoo area.

Wiped out from all the fun!

SO, SO thankful for best of our greatest gifts in life.  Thankful they are close enough to visit.  And thankful that when life changes, we can always find a new rhythm.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

So I am copying the idea of some other bloggers I've seen who have done "Thankful Thursday."  I love this.  I love when I have an avenue that encourages me to intentionally be thankful.

I have decided to start implementing this with my children, as well.  This morning, my boys started complaining about their waffles I put before them at breakfast.  Instead of snapping at them to stop complaining, as I often would, I took a deep breath, ignored their complaints, and eagerly asked them instead to play the "Thankful Game" where they came up with things they were thankful for this morning.  And guess what?  Their complaints instantly stopped, they started happily eating their waffles, and took turns telling me their thankful list.  (Don't you love these rare moments of mothering inspiration that actually work??)

Micah's Thankful List
-Mommy and Daddy
-my school
-my counsins
-our neighbors
-that we have food to eat
-for today...that we built a zoo

Sammy's Thankful List
-Raisin Bran
-my cousins
-Mommy and Daddy
-Auntie Katie
-Crystal Lake
-the Wauconda Library

I love their thankful hearts.

Today I am thankful for my boys who eagerly list their gifts.
I am thankful for Sophia's new smiles that bubble up laughter in me every. single. time.
I am thankful for hot tea in the morning.
For the comfort of home on a rainy Thursday.
I am thankful for the anticipation of a trip to Michigan tomorrow to see my bestest of friends.
I am thankful for songs in the background to uplift my spirit.
And I am thankful for the truth that no matter what happened yesterday or the day before, that today is a new day and that "his mercies are new every morning."

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


My oldest son, Micah, is in his last year of preschool.

How I love this boy.

Only a few months shy of 6, we have walked through many stages, and although I will confess that this is not my most favorite of stages, he is my most favorite Micah.  I was so excited about his Little Red Hen play at school this afternoon.  And after a morning of chaos (i.e., spilled water, new outfits, little hands in a poopie diaper, getting into Easter chocolates, messes, chores, pressure of time and schedules and constant nagging to do this, do that, to get out the door, etc...) we were ready for an outing!

He was the best mailman there could be...

All the parents, guests, and children in the class shared some banana bread and enjoyed a sweet, little snack time together after the play.

And it is even his turn for the "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" board...Here is Micah's creation (My name is Micah...Here is my family...Here's my favorite food - noodles...This is what I like to do - play Angry Birds...This is my favorite book - Skippyjon Jones).

And on the board at school, there are pictures from each year of his precious, treasured life.  I cannot explain how or why, but my mama heart just jumps when I walk into his room and see him being celebrated and appreciated for who he is.

Micah, may you always know and believe how "fearfully and wonderfully" made you are.

I love you, sweet boy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My First Post

I have decided to start a blog.

I don't totally know why, but I have been thinking about it for quite some time and have decided that I want to jump on in to this crazy, virtual world of blogging.

I don't know where to start or what to write about or what my focus will be, but for now, I've decided to just start and see what happens.

If nothing else, I desire to have an outlet in which to capture life and mothering and all its moments (the good, bad, and the ugly), and in the meantime, if someone is encouraged or inspired, I would be thrilled.

I believe that in each part of life, we must find a rhythm.  It stops and starts and changes often, but I am always looking for that sweet rhythm where life works well.

I believe life is a race, a dance, and a journey, so feel free to join me on my journey of finding My Mama Rhythm...


In case you don't know me well, this is me.

I am a woman who longs to live life well...simply, deeply, and joyfully.

I am a woman who adores her husband and is ridiculously thankful to be married to him.  I have realized that I like life better when he is around.

I am a mama of four and I love, love, love being a mama.  I am pretty convinced there is no greater thing.

I am a person following hard after God, knowing that the fullest life comes from this.

I am one who loves the little things in life, who feels big emotions, and who both laughs and cries easily.

I love a clean house (although I don't often make the time to dust the top shelf, the blinds, or the light fixtures).

I love to cook (but there are many days where I just throw together a pot of spaghetti).

I love my cozy house where everything has a place (although there are moments when I am wanting more space).

I am crazy about my kids and even want to have more (but there are days when I can't wait until bedtime).

I love people (I am one of biggest extroverts you will ever know).

I love family.

I love church.

I love to organize.

I love the outdoors.

I love worship music.

I love to read.

I drink tea multiple times a day.

And I love dessert.

I am loud, I am emotional,  and I can tend to be a perfectionist.

I am constantly working on being more patient and on not comparing.

I am a person striving to count it all joy, to keep my grateful list close to my hand and my heart.

So here I am...and this is my attempt at capturing the moments that make life grand, at sharing the struggles that come along the way, and to continue learning the joy that comes from contentment in all these things.