Monday, April 30, 2012

One of Those Mornings...

It's been one of those mornings...
I woke up with high hopes of having a calm day and getting caught up on all the to-dos of life.
I think sometimes it is worse when I wake up with that "get-lots-of-things-done-today" expectation.
Because instead of THAT, my morning looked like THIS...

Not one thing on my "list" got done.
Not one dish got washed.
Not one basket of laundry got folded.
It was a morning of messes, of children not listening, of a diaper disaster that led to a morning bath for two of my little ones, of rushing off to preschool with lunch still on the table.
Some days, I'm able to tackle this head on, take a deep breath, and plow through.
Other days, I am overwhelmed by the things I have to do and the lack of time I have to do them.
So for now, as naptime has finally come, I am taking a break to breath, to write, and to re-focus my heart on the kind of mama I want to be.  The kind that tackles the day head on, takes a deep breath, and plows through with a smile and a cheerful heart.
That is not who I was this morning.
But that is who I am prayerfully striving to be this afternoon.


  1. In the famous words of Grandma June..."This too shall pass." I love you and am sending hugs.

    1. Nah... this won't pass for a long time with the number of kids Sarah wants! :)

      And seriously? Your kids all nap at the same time? Must be nice...

    2. True...this will be the joyful chaos for awhile...
      And Sammy and Ella nap at the same time, Micah was at school, and Sophia was awake but content. :-)
      I'm sure our napping days with Sammy are numbered...

  2. So when I look at your "my house is a mess pictures" I still am thinking : wow, look at how organized her book shelf is, the same books of each size lined nicely next to each other. and geez, I don't even know how to fold my clothes as neatly as that stack in your kids closet is, much less keep them that way regularly.

    I'm waiting for a post: "How I manage to have messy be an occasional, blog worthy event" or "How I squeeze 6 people into a two bedroom house and still keep it looking amazing" :)

    1. You are so funny...this is definitely not a record for messiest by any means...just a glimpse of that one, challenging morning...
      But I will think on some ideas for the posts you are waiting for. Haha.
      Many days, Ella has those bookshelves all cleared out, but I suppose we do put them all back in an "order." Okay, laughing right now at myself...
