Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Anyone that knows me well pretty much has to know Kim.  She has been my best friend since I was fifteen years old, married my brother, became my sister-in-law, and continued to be the best friend I could ever ask for or hope for.  We're pretty much a package deal.  If you want to be friends with one of us, you basically need to be friends with both of us.

And anyone that knows Micah well pretty much has to know Little Chuck.  Chuck is his cousin born just nine months after Micah, and they have been pretty inseparable ever since.  They talk about each other often and like all the same things.  They scheme together on how to fight away all the bad guys in the world and how to beat the hardest Angry Birds levels.  They tie up bad guys with rubberbands, jump on beds together, and build TrioBlock creations like no other.  If you want to be friends with one of them, you basically need to be friends with both.

Well my and Micah's besties moved to Michigan.

We are very sad that we don't get to see them all the time anymore, but I am choosing to believe that we just need to find a new rhythm to our friendship.  It will look different than it used to, but they can still be our bestest of friends.

Part of this new rhythm includes taking trips to Michigan...which is exactly what we did this weekend.  And it was a BLAST.  Such a fun time to enjoy great Grand Rapids activities and enjoy being together.  Here are some highlights...

 Playing at the Children's Museum

 Chuck and Micah at the Lego table

 Kim with my nephew, Nolan, and my Sophia

 Sophia's sweet smile


 Cousins!  This is one of my all-time favorite pics.


 Our family of six

 Can this be any cuter??

 Ella wants in on the lovin'.

 Matching jammies!

 Best buds.

 Our trip to the zoo...the famous Sammy smile.

 Ella LOVES Daddy!

 Nana and Ella at the petting zoo area.

Wiped out from all the fun!

SO, SO thankful for best friends...one of our greatest gifts in life.  Thankful they are close enough to visit.  And thankful that when life changes, we can always find a new rhythm.

1 comment:

  1. Very, Very special. The pictures are priceless and brought tears to my eyes. I love these kids so much!
