Today I had one of those mortifying-mom-moments...I'm sure we have all had one or two, but they still manage to catch us by surprise, yes?
My kids and I were enjoying a lovely lunch outside on this gorgeous, sunny, eighty-degree day. We had all eaten our favorite noodles, broccoli, and grapes lunch and the kids were running around and playing in our little yard. Seemed like a perfect time to nurse Sophia, right? At only two months old, she needs to nurse often enough that I am always trying to work feedings into our day/meals/naps/playtime, etc. So when she fussed, I took a chair to sit under our tree and nurse. Our yard is tucked a bit away from the to-and-fro of neighbors, so I felt comfortable enough sitting and nursing without a cover...
Well, my peaceful moment was swiftly interrupted as Ella (our one-year-old bundle of both joy and crazy) decided to follow a ball over the top of the hill that unofficially marks the back of our yard and head toward the street. The second she left my sight, I knew I had to go on a chase... So I quickly set Sophia down in the grass and started to run towards my Ella.
At the EXACT moment I noticed a pick-up truck heading down the street, I also noticed that something was not right on my body...Yes, you guessed it...there was a certain, female body part (hint: the one used to feed a baby) completely exposed to the world, not in its proper place under my tank. I grabbed my shirt, grabbed my daughter, and high-tailed it back to the safety of my little spot under the tree where I hoped that the man driving that truck will promptly forget that anything out-of-the-ordinary ever happened...
Oh the moments we have as mothers...Never a dull moment.
I am sure he was saying,"Did I just see what I think I saw?" Ha! I am still laughing about this one.