Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday!
Here are our blessings today in our family...

Micah's Thankful List
I am thankful for...
...going out to ice cream.

...getting a new book, The Avengers.
...having 17 stickers.
...Grandma and Grandpa coming. being my last day of school yesterday.

Samuel's Thankful List
I am thankful for...
(he thought this was hilarious to be thankful for himself and laughed really hard)
...Ella and Sophia

Daddy's Thankful List
(He was home sick today with an eye virus so we had him participate.)
I am thankful for...
...being able to breathe well after getting over a cold.
...cooler weather after the intense heat. wife's high capacity for mothering.
...the "stay-in-bed" chart working well for Sammy and Micah.

My Thankful List
I am thankful for...
...rainy, stay-at-home days in comfy clothes.
...Micah's fabulous last year of preschool with such an amazingly creative and energetic teacher.


....Chocolate Fondue Night for our last small group of the season and for an incredible year doing life together.

..Sophia's consistent sleeping through the amazing gift!
...Ella's adorable voice that truly melts me and for the way in which she is starting to put three words together.
-the beauty of forgiveness in marriage...that even when things go awry temporarily, that we can offer each other grace, move on, and continue loving deeply.
...cleansing tears that help release so many emotions from within.
...the spontaneous moments that come from time at home, like my children helping me make eggs this morning for breakfast, Micah reading a book to me on the couch, Ella grabbing a tomato off the counter today while I was making lunch and eating it like an apple, the sweet sibling interactions that happen daily, and the giggles that came from Sammy when I tucked him into bed with a few tickles.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Love that last picture of Sophia and Sammy and also the one of all four kids with Mark and Lois! :) Sounds like there's been lots to be thankful for this week!!

  2. I am so thankful for each of you and the joy you bring to me. I am thankful, too, for these wonderful pictures that make me smile. Love you.
