Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday Time!
I'm hoping that this weekly exercise will help mold my children into grateful people.
I am trying to regularly write my gifts, as well, and I am, by God's grace, seeing myself transform more and more in the joy of thankfulness.

Here goes...

Sammy's Thankful List
-that I got to help Daddy and PaPaPa do the dirt
-that I got dirty

(Seriously...we are in the worst, potty-talk phase ever!  Thought I would include this so I remember later that he actually said this when I said, "Thank you God for...")
-Lucky Charms

Ella's Thankful List
(and definitely in this order!!)

Micah's Thankful List
-that PaPaPa came and that Daddy came back home, even though I already got to see him
-for my field trip (to the Space Discovery Center)

-that we got to see some of the space stuff, even though we only had 10 or 15 minutes (Our train had delays so it threw off the field trip a bit.)
-that we are going to make air tanks for our space unit
-that I got to see Chuck recently

And My Thankful List...

I am thankful that Micah is reading...what a joy it is to have him read books to ME and to read signs everywhere we go.  Zach and I can no longer do the secret-spelling that all parents seem to do...he now knows what we are trying to communicate every. single. time.  He has opened the door to a whole new world, and I love watching him light up with the discoveries!
I am thankful for a day with no plans...I really can't remember the last time I had a day with no plans at all.  So we are throwing on sweats, catching up on laundry, and trying to muddle through some of the piles of my life (and counters).  My kids are making forts with the couch cushions, reading books together, and pretending to go to space.  Love it.
I am thankful for my husband's gracious and appreciative attitude.  I have not put a lot of time and energy into meals this week, as there have been other things taking priority, and so we have had spaghetti, bagel melts, grilled chicken, and baked fish fillets (with tator tots...ha!)...all simple, throw-together-quick meals to which he genuinely responds, "Thank you so much for making dinner."  I love to cook, but when life gets busy, I have to choose other things.  I am so blessed that Zach gets this and appreciates this and doesn't put any pressure on me to do things differently.
I am thankful for new books.  I have three books on my current reading list, and I am excited about each of them for different reasons.  Bloom, a memoir by Kelle Hampton, given to me by my favorite Minnesota friend; Living with Less so your Family has More, by Jill and Mark Savage, the next book we are reading in my treasured book study; and She's Gonna Blow! by Julie Ann Barnhill, a book I got for myself to work on being more patient and calm in my mothering.
I am thankful for an unexpected start to my day.  My husband and father-in-law had early morning Bible Study together today, and as it ended, my father-in-law offered to bring us some mulch for our flower beds. Just as the kids and I were about to eat breakfast, they arrived, so my children were anxious to get outside and see them.  All of us trooped outside in our pajamas before 7 in the morning, and it turned out to be a wonderful way to start the day.  Sammy dug in the mulch in his pajamas and crocs, Micah ran around the yard kicking a ball, and Ella wandered in her rainboots.  It was crisp and sunny and I just stood in the middle of the yard, surrounded by my family, blessed by a new, spring day and my happy children.  I am thankful for our little yard, for fresh mulch, for a generous-with-his-time father-in-law, and for events that deviate from the the norm.

Our early morning romp in the yard...

What are YOU thankful for today?


  1. Thankful for:
    Your posts-which always make me smile and feel full
    This beautiful weather
    My new bike
    A wonderful and supportive family
    My 10 lights of my life-my grandkids
    The amazing parents my kids are
    My round hairbrush and my blowdryer
    Sunny mornings with the birds chirping
    My wonderful and giving husband

    1. Love your lists...clearly you modeled to me the art of thankfulness. Love you.
