Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday once quickly the week goes from one Thursday to the next.

After Micah's Race for Education at school this past Friday (in which he proudly ran 14 laps!), we traveled to Minnesota for a family wedding and enjoyed our family time in the car, our stay with my fabulous in-laws, and lots of visits with my kids' grandparents and great-grandparents and aunties.  We got to meet up with some of our dear friends for dinner and also got to have some time for ourselves.  It was lovely.  And now I am back to my normal of preschool and chores and taking care of my kiddos, playdates, small group, errands, and appointments.  So I am happy to once again pause with my children and remember our blessings.

Ella's Thankful List
(I said to Ella, "Thank you, God, for..." and she filled in the blanks...)

Sammy's Thankful List
-Lucky Charms (which a friend from church gave us...they had never had them before and they were, of course, a hit)
-Noo-nles (translation: noodles)

Micah's Thankful List
-that Miss Linda gave us food
-that we saw Miss Kim at the park
-that Daddy is coming home today
-that we ate lunch at the park

Today I am thankful that my husband is coming home from a work trip...although I am so thankful he has a great job, I don't love his travel time, and I am so thrilled to have my other half back.  I love being a team together.
I am thankful for a wonderful picnic and playtime at the park with a new friend and her daughters (and a stop on the way for coffee treats!).  I met her at this same park right after Sophia was born, we totally connected right away, and I've had a blast getting together with her ever since!  And she only lives one minute away!  Thankful for new friends.
I am thankful for the gorgeous weather, for the sun shining, and the gentle breeze through our open windows.  I love the spring.
I am thankful for a good novel with a happy ending.
I am thankful for Micah's excitement as he conquered the monkey bars for the first time today at the park.
I am thankful for Sophia's constant smiles.
I am thankful for Sammy's sweet hugs.
And I'm thankful for Ella's sing-song voice.

Oh, how full and wonderful and rich life is!  I want to focus on my blessings today, letting go of the things I cannot control, taking my chores and my moments one at a time, and leaving the rest for another day.
My husband (have I mentioned lately how amazing he is?) keeps reminding me to just focus on the ONE THING that I am doing at that time, and I love how simple, yet profound, this wisdom is to me.  I want to be in the moment, focusing on what is in front of me, enjoying it for what it is.
So for now, I am going to focus on unpacking from our picnic, folding laundry, picking up the house from the morning, and making tacos for dinner.  This is my rhythm, this is my every day, and I want to make it count.

 Oh the joy of being a kid and the thrill of your first time doing the monkey bars!

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