Lots of other people have opinions about our family and the choices we've made...four kids five and under living in a small house on one, modest income, planning to homeschool, and planning to have more kids is a set of circumstances that others often question. So at times, instead of confidently making our choices and not carrying others' thoughts on the matter, I want to prove to [the collective] them that I can do it.
On my own.
And well.
Oh, how mistaken I have been.
I am realizing more and more that it takes a village.
We have found a good rhythm of raising our children, doing fun activities, and figuring out how to make it work to meet everyone's needs at the same time. We have found ways to love them all and care for them all, but sometimes, it is a blessing to let others step in and help. Hold a baby. Chase a toddler. Take an older one for a walk or an outing.
Today my four littles and I packed our bags and our lunches and headed to the park and splashpad for the day to meet a bunch of other mamas for a playdate. Throughout the four hours we were there, there were many others lending their hands to help mine. And for this, I am grateful. My sister gave my roaming daughter snacks, my mom held my baby and gave my arms a break pushing my beast of a double stroller, and one of my closest mommy friends helped chase and corral my busy busy Ella around the park, sometimes spotting her or grabbing her even before I could. Moms from church kept a watchful eye on one when I needed to dart off for another, and so went the routine of others helping, blessing me, humbling me that I do not need to do it on my own.
I drove away (after my friend waited for me to walk to the car together and then got my son out of his hiding place for me so I could tend to my crying baby) and wanted to cry thinking of what amazing support I have for this journey I am on. YES I can take care of my children and YES I can do what I need to do, but YES YES YES is life more full and wonderful and am I more blessed and humbled when I let others help me along the way.
So I will choose to keep remembering that it takes a village.
my dear friend walking with my Ella
some of my village
And just a couple fun pics from our romp around the pond...
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