Tuesday, July 3, 2012

T Ball or Not T Ball?

Today was the last day of t-ball.  Micah will go on to play in a t-ball "league" starting next week, but today, I called to withdraw Sammy from the next session.  Micah loves t-ball with his easy-going spirit and happy self, but Sammy, on the other hand, notsomuch.  Each week, when they called Sammy's name for attendance, he instantly started to cry, fearful of doing t-ball without us at his side. 

He is my tenderhearted son.  He likes to be close to his Mommy and Daddy and likes things to follow in his normal and comfortable routine.  He attends Sunday school, but only with his Micah, and he cries when we leave to go on a date, even if we are just leaving him with his super-safe grandparents.  

How I love this sweet boy of mine, and can I tell you a secret?  I am rather fond of his attachment to us.  I am, in fact, trying to soak it up, because, after all, he will one day have no problem launching out into the world without us.

There is this line we mamas must ride of gently pushing our children towards independence and confidence and letting them stay close to us until they're comfortable.  I have a feeling that different seasons and different children call for different actions.  I love the times when you just know what your child needs, and this summer, I knew that my Sammy needed me to stand in the field with him, stand three feet away while he hit the ball, and run to first base with him.  I also knew that he needed me to cancel his next session of t-ball because he would rather be playing at the park or cheering for his brother from the bleachers.  And for this, I am thankful.  I am thankful that I knew what he needed, and I am glad I can choose to go with it and to let him call the shots for this time.

Sammer Jammers, I am proud of you for completing what you started and for working hard (with Mommy or Daddy by your side) to play t-ball for the first time!  The look on your face when you received your medal was priceless...you were so proud!  Here's to marking your first medal and celebrating the unique YOU that our good God blessed us with.  Love you, son.

Sammy and I about to run the bases together...can you tell how thrilled he is about the prospect?

Sammy was SO proud of his medal.

Micah and Sammy with their medals (red faces are due to the 100 degree temperatures we were surviving in!)

The boys with their #1 fan...

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