Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful, Toothless Thursday

Thankful, thankful, thankful today for...

...a dear, lovely woman from church who invited me and my children to her home for the morning, to talk and encourage and share amazing homeschooling books and resources with me.  SO thankful for bags of books waiting to be poured over and studied and read.  We LOVE books here at this house!
...a chance to see a great friend of ours in a musical tonight (while the kids slept and my gracious in-laws stayed at our house!) and the fun of being at the theatre.  So good to laugh and enjoy the show.
...a quick Starbucks date with my hubby before the show.  I find that the more kids we have and the older they get, the more we have to be intentional to carve in time to talk.  Just having an opportunity to sit and talk is such a gift.  Thankful, too, that I still love to be out to coffee with this man I have been out to coffee with for over eleven years.
...Ella, who responded to my prompt during a prayer time this morning, "Jesus help me today to be..." by saying, "a blessing in your eyes."  Where did that even come from?  So precious and sweet, especially after her many times of staring me down defiantly when I ask her to do something she doesn't want to do.
...the laughter of my children and of our family.  Tonight, after a particularly trying and tiring afternoon, laughter was truly a medicine for my soul as my husband imitated a Dora dance move (to the song, "Boingy Bing," the most annoying song we have ever heard in our parents with Dora-loving kids probably know exactly what I mean!!) and my kiddos joined in and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
...watching Sophia dance and clap and smile as we sing our Scripture memory verses these last few weeks.  It is beyond precious.  She is starting to understand more of the world around her, too, saying "mama," "dada," "Ella," and "all done," which actually comes out like, "ahhh...duh."  Cutest ever.
...Micah's excitement over losing his first TOOTH!!  I truly have a "big kid" in my house with a cute, toothless grin smiling at me.  Proud mama. :-) (His other, adult tooth is already in behind the hole, which is why it's a bit hard to see.)

...Also thankful today for God's assignment for MY life, which looks different than his assignment for OTHERS. (I'm sure I will blog more about this in the near future.)  I am learning, learning, and still learning about how to be comfortable in my own, mama skin.  Doing what I feel called to do, what I feel convicted to do, what I am gifted to do, even if it is different from the other mamas around me I so deeply admire.  Today, I want to be thankful for what I have been called to do and not look to what I am NOT doing.  So much freedom for me in this.

What are you thankful for today?

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