Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sammy is FOUR!

My sweet, loving, silly Sammy turned FOUR today.  We have been counting down the days for the last couple of weeks, and the day was finally here!  Sammy picked out exactly what he wanted for birthday breakfast (cinnamon rolls, sausage, and hashbrowns) and we celebrated with family and friends at a little McDonalds party for lunch (again, exactly what he wanted!).  He loved it all.  I was so excited to celebrate my second son today.  He is so precious and special to me in so many ways!  

Samuel Alan, you have captured my heart with your smile.  It is amazingly contagious and melts every heart.  You are such a sweet boy.  You love your siblings sooooo much.  You and Micah are the best of do everything together.  In fact, I like to tease that you have "codependent" tendencies with Micah.  You just want to be with him and be like him in every way.  It is precious.  I know I am safe with two superheroes in the house, fighting away every bad guy that tries to attack!

You and Ella are such good buds, although you definitely butt heads more often, being so close in age and each of you being in that fight-for-independence stage, too.  But you two love to be silly and laugh together, and you dance and play and chat together about little things.  And you adore Sophia.  It is so precious to see how much you love to kiss her, hold her, and make her smile.  She adores you, too.  We call you "the S's," and you both look so much alike!!!  She is a mini-you!

Sammers, we also joke that you are the "class clown" of the family.  Although you are often so quiet and more reserved when we are out and about, you are such a little comedian at home!  You love to be silly and make everyone laugh.  And you do!!!  We love to laugh with you!!

My precious son, you are brilliant.  I will take the liberty today of giving myself mama bragging rights...Daddy and I are amazed at how smart your little mind is.  You know the location of every single one of the fifty United States, and you can identify each state's shape, also.  You are learning the capitals, and you already know so many!  You are also starting to tell time, and I know that you are going to love the new watch Auntie Kim got you for your birthday!  You love numbers and order and sequencing.  You page through the calendar over and over, memorizing the days, months, and years.  You know how many days are in each month, and you LOVE to be in charge of our magnetic calendar of activities.  

You love bagels, noodles, vegetables, computer games, Mario, Sammy-chocolate (dairy-free), search-and-find books, legos, the library, the Backyardigans, family movie nights, tacos, hamburgers, and more books!!!  You look at books all of the time.  You will be reading really soon!  You wake up early, ready to start your day!  You love routine, you don't love to move quickly, and you need about a dozen reminders each morning to eat your vitamins and drink your water with probiotics.  You live at your own pace and on your own time.  

You are full of life, and we love you SO much, Sammy!  You are Mommy's precious boy, and I am so, so so happy that I get to be your mama.  May you have SO much fun being FOUR, sweet boy!!!!

Happy FOURTH Birthday!

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