Friday, September 7, 2012

Nine Years

Tonight my husband and I are celebrating NINE years of marriage.

Our anniversary was actually on August 3rd, but tonight is our (rescheduled because of sickness) date!

In our nine years, we have lived in three states and four different homes, have had four children, and many different jobs.  We have had ups and downs and laughter and tears.

But I can honestly say that as of today, through all the life we have lived together, I love my husband more than ever.  I am beyond thankful for the man I have been blessed to call my husband, my soul mate, and my other half (every year we are married feels more and more like Zach is my other half...I feel much more complete when we are together).

We are starting to be feel more seasoned in our marriage, finishing each other's sentences, understanding a paragraph of thoughts from one look, and being a true team when it comes to parenting and life, even in spite of our differences.  And we are very, very different.  Zach is an intravert; I am an extravert.  He is a morning person; I am a night person.  He prefers books; I prefer movies.  He is laid back and slow-paced; I am high energy.  He is a thinker; I am a feeler.  But we get each other, and we have learned to embrace, and even celebrate, our differences.  We are a team, and I wouldn't want to do this life with anyone else.

We are not perfect, but we do love each other so very much, and I cannot even begin to imagine my life without you, Zachary Douglas Schmidt!

Happy Anniversary, Love!

p.s. Can't wait for our Date Night!!!  WooHoo!!

From First Dating

To Now


  1. And playing Scrabble down to the very last letters, and one of you winning by squeezing out one point with the very last letter. Love that story and love that you challenge, care for each other and the 4 most adorable children in the world, and most of all love each other so very much. love mom
