Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today was a very normal, stay-at-home day for the kiddos and me, but throughout the day, I tried to stop and breathe in the moment, thankful for the little things that make life grand.

Today, I am thankful for my kids' hearts of worship.  I taught them the song, "Our God is an Awesome God" at lunch today, along with the sign language, and my heart was overflowing as we sang and danced and proclaimed the truths of God over quesadillas, veggies, and bananas.  SO beautiful.

I am thankful for a sweet time of walking together around the neighborhood after we finished our schooling (and Sophia's first wagon ride!), watching the three older ones climb and jump off rocks, looking for trees whose leaves are changing colors, and enjoying the fresh air.

I am thankful for crockpots!  I love putting dinner together in the morning and knowing all day that it is done!

I am thankful for phones.  Even though my BFF lives out of state, I am so, very thankful we can still connect via the phone.

I am thankful that I am learning a bit more, day to day, how to create a new rhythm for our fall as I figure out how to run our home, be a mama to all my littles, and homeschool my boys.  These have been some tiring days, but I am happy to be where I am at and am thankful we are en route to finding a new groove.

And I am very, very thankful that God seems to miraculously multiply our space in our cozy home.  As some of you know, we have been blessed with 800 square feet of space for our growing family to live in, and somehow, it seems to keep working.  We moved in with just one baby five years ago and never thought we would stay in our house long enough to have four children.  But here we are, four children, AND starting our homeschooling journey, and we keep finding ways to organize, and re-organize, to make our space work for our family and to amazingly not feel cramped.  After some careful rearranging, and after a trip to Ikea and Target and Sam's, we have a new "homeschooling shelf" that holds all of our curriculum, resources, and art supplies, and I LOVE it!  I love the way it fits so much and works so well for all that we need.  And I continue to praise God that our space continues to work for our family.  We really and truly have all we need.
our new shelf

our homeschooling "corner"...

What are you thankful for today?

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