Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekends and Cameras

Our new camera came in the mail...I am ridiculously excited.  I now have joined the "cool camera" club that almost everyone I know is already a member of...and the more I look around, the more I notice the "cool cameras" know, the big, black cameras with a thick strap and a long, zooming lens?  Never mind that I have absolutely no clue how to use it - I am still very excited.  After our old camera broke, I felt quite lost without a camera.  Ever leave the house only to realize you forgot to put your wedding ring back on and your hand feels "naked" all day??  That's how I felt without a camera.  Going outside, a trip to the pumpkin farm, my children's darling costumes and antics...and no camera...So after a few weeks camera-less, I am quite thankful for a new (and much improved) camera.  Thanks to my amazing hubby for this awesome gift for our family!

This weekend, we had more empty space than usual, which was wonderful.  Micah was off in Michigan with his Papa visiting his cousins.  Zach and I went on a dinner, Starbucks, and movie date, which was lovely, and my in-laws came over to carve pumpkins with the kids, and besides that, we were attempting to get a few things done, rest, and take some pictures!

Here are some of our at-home, weekend pics...with the new camera!!!

our Sammy...

Ella "blow drying" Sophia's hair...

Reading books...

Our happy Soph...


Computer game exciting time around here now that it is reserved just for the weekends...

We love our baby!

Pumpkin carving...Daddy's more into it than the kids!

Grandma Debbie helping Ella...

Finished products...can you tell that we have an Angry Bird jack-o-lantern??

Love this one of the kids watching out the door!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend, too!  Enjoy your Halloween week!

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