Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Latest Mothering Discovery

I am certainly no expert in the world of mothering.

But I do know that I can often get overwhelmed with or frustrated by my children's less-than-perfect behavior.

I realized recently that in some of these moments of exasperation, I have made a small discovery...

I need to stop and study my children.

Study them...observe what they're doing...stare at them...learn about them...drink them in.

And, in these moments, after a minute or two of just pausing and pure observation of a particular child, my emotions turn to tender for that small son or daughter of mine.

At lunch today, Sammy was frustrated that his noodles weren't working on his fork and began to whine in [what I thought was] an excessive manner.  Micah decided it would be a good time to prop his plate up with his fork and see what happens, and Ella thought that the volume level in our house definitely needed to be turned up a few [or ten] notches and put much effort into making that happen by herself while Sophia attempted to peacefully nap in the baby swing.  Someone needed water.  Someone wanted pears.  Someone had to go to the bathroom.  And someone started playing with his carrots.  And at that "AHH!" moment in the middle of our day, I stopped and started watching Sammy, then watching Ella, and finally, Micah.  I just quietly observed them and who they are and the effort they put into their everyday tasks of eating and talking and whining and laughing and I. just. melted.  My heart immediately softened and my emotions swelled and I felt that fierce surge of love and affection and protection for my precious littles.

It was both a simple and amazing moment.

So as my days unfold and I start to get overwhelmed by the chaos around, I am going to try to practice my own tip of stopping and drinking in the beauty that is my children.  I am certain it will start to soften my emotions at that moment, and I will make effort to this end.

a few observed moments I am drinking in of my children...

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