Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our Summer Rhythm

We have been soaking up our summer days more than ever before.

It seems like each day, after eating some bagels and fruit and doing morning chores, we are off...either to a playdate, a park, or to our backyard to play with friends.

Each day, we play and play, kids running around in bathing suits, me trying to keep up with them while keeping baby Sophia out of the sun, and attempting to have adult conversations with friends while the kids play.  We play our morning away, eat a picnic lunch, play some more, throw some dry clothes on the littles, and come home for the kids to crash.  They nap, I do dishes, throw the wet suits, towels, and picnic blankets in the wash, fold some laundry, and make dinner.  We eat outside, throw everyone in the bath, put them to bed in fresh, cozy jammies, and hurry through our chores to have a little relaxing ourselves.  I make sure the suits, towels, and picnic blankets are in the dryer before we go to sleep, for in the morning, we wake up and do it all over again, throwing on suits again, packing up the towels and sunscreen and sandwiches, and race out the door for another fun summer day.

This is our summer rhythm.

And I love it.

The pile on my desk is growing, the floors really could use a mopping, and my baby books are begging to be updated, but they can all wait.

After all, it is summer, and we are busy living it to the full.

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